Google Go, a lite version of Google App

Google Go makes it easy and fast to find what your are looking for on the internet.

Google Go
Google Go is a low-data and a lighter, faster way to search compared to regular Google app. The new version of the application is release 18th July. It is a lighter version of Google app since the Google Go apps takes around 50% less storage and can work with devices with 1GB or less memory. The application comes up with 5mb in size and fast to download saving space on your phone.

The search results are optimised and save upto 40% data. It saves time allowing just tapping through trending queries and topics instead of typing, or even by using your voice to say what you are looking to search.This also helps in situations where your mobile data is not available consistently or less by less data feature, saving pages offline, notifications when search results are ready using and lite versions of pages.

It is a single stop to easily and quickly access your favorite apps and websites, videos, images all at one place from Google Go.

It also offers various different languages to switch your search results to or from at any point of time. The application can be downloaded from here.


  1. 🙂 I have never used Google Go.

    Google Go would be good for those people with smartphones who have used up most of their memory or with smartphones with very little RAM.

    Also, I would like to wish you all the best with your blog.

    1. Thanks Renard. You are absolutely correct and that is because GoogleGo takes almost 50% less storage.

      Thanks again for your wishes.


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